Friday, June 19, 2009


got a friend finding his way out in California
got a friend who found it out in the middle of nowhere, B.C.
got a friend playing in the U.S. Open
got a friend with a successful business
got a friend in heaven who knows all the scores
got a friend workin' his guts off for the next chapter
got a friend holding it all together with heart
got a friend in England, gonna be a great actor one day
got a friend who's strugglin' 
got a friend who's strugglin' more
got a friend who's a DJ
got a friend who's happy where he is
got a friend that doesn't know where he is
got a friend that won't give up on rock n' roll
got a friend who's my cousin
got a friend who's my cousin
got a friend who's a girl
got a friend I haven't met yet
got a friend in more debt than I am
got a friend in Indonesia
got a friend I miss
got a friend in Scotland who's married
got a friend of a friend
got all the people I need to keep me writing, going, laughing, hoping, living....

I was painting a friend's house today when I realized all this and there was the perfect amount of heat outside that sparked something in me. I could have packed up and called it an early day to go find a pool to swim in but I suddenly remembered that I had a tab of "white dog" Ecstasy that a friend had given me the night before. I made myself a small sandwich to chase it down with and cranked up Rod Stewart and the Faces, a serious diamond in the rough of feel good rock n' roll. Then I got into my work. I thought about everyone and everything about them that I dig as I put color to the walls. I didn't need a chemical motivator to do this but I took the little pill because I was already in one of those rare and amazing moments of clarity where you comfortably know that everything in life has a meaning and you feel closer to it all, whatever it all may be.  Hope you understand. 

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